Friday, May 25, 2018

Top 10 Responsive Multipurpose Email Templates

1. Imaginary Email Templates

Top 10 Responsive Multipurpose Email Templates - Imaginary Email Templates
It is a fully layered responsive email template that is compatible with Gmail app, MailChimp etc. It comes along with drag and drop template builder where the HTML markup for the template can be edited. The template layout can be exported as well.

2. Viway Email Templates  

Top 10 Responsive Multipurpose Email Templates - Viway
Using this responsive email template, the email marketers can create emails for diverse businesses like restaurants, real estate companies, events and seminars etc. You get access to a drag and drop email builder tool as well. The template comes with high quality code for best performance.

3. Craftsman Email Templates 

Top 10 Responsive Multipurpose Email Templates - Craftsman
Craftsman is a email template that is truly responsive and can be used for a vast range of businesses. As it comes with fully-layered PSDs, creating new email templates with builder tool is quite easy. You can use this template with Gmail apps, MailChimp, and campaign monitor.

4. Modern Email Templates

Top 10 Responsive Multipurpose Email Templates - Modern
This responsive email template package is equipped with 5 pre-designed email templates with layered PSD included. The HTML markup is cleanly coded to keep all the bugs and errors at bay. It supports image background and is compatible will all major email clients and service providers.

5. Startup Creative Email Templates

Top 10 Responsive Multipurpose Email Templates - StartUp
Startup Creative email template is equipped with organized PSDs and builder access to HTML version of email template. It is a truly responsive email template and supports email clients like Gmail apps, AOL mail, Apple Mail and many others.

6. Wayan Email Templates

Top 10 Responsive Multipurpose Email Templates - Wayan
It is a litmus tested fully responsive email template that is compatible with email service providers like Campaign monitor and MailChimp etc. It comes with a drag and drop email builder where you can edit the HTML markup for the template.

7. Market Email Templates

Top 10 Responsive Multipurpose Email Templates - Wayan
Market is a versatile email template with builder access. It has been designed to be fully responsive. The template also includes fully-layered PSDs and the users can export customizer layout. It can be used with campaign monitor as well as MailChimp.

8. Spiritapp Email Templates

Top 10 Responsive Multipurpose Email Templates - SpiritApp
You get 7 pre-designed email templates along with the access to a builder tool. The templates that you get are ideal for the promotion of mobile apps, however, you can edit the templates using the builder tool and create templates for promotion of all kinds of business.

9. Createam Email Templates 

Top 10 Responsive Multipurpose Email Templates - CreaTeam
Creteam is an email template pack that comes equipped with 7 different layouts which are all fully responsive. Along with them, you also get access to the easy to use drag and drop Themebuilder tool for template editing. The email templates have been tested on Litmus for guaranteed performance.

10. Multipurpose Email Pack Builder Email Templates

Top 10 Responsive Multipurpose Email Templates - Multipurpose Responsive
This multipurpose email newsletter is quite beneficial for the promotion of a wide range of businesses like blogs, e-commerce, taxi apps, any product or online essay typer services. The pack also offers a builder tool using which the email campaign creators can edit existing templates and create new ones. All major email clients and email service providers are supported.
Whether you are an owner of an SME or an established company, marketing is something that you cannot do away with. These responsive and multipurpose email templates will let you create impressive email campaigns and add immense value to the email communication that you have with your clients.
Most of these email templates come with theme builder using which you can edit an existing template or build a new one from scratch. Hope, you we have relieved you from the confusion that surrounded your choice for email templates.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Important Things You Can Do With Your Old Books

1. Donate Them

Things You Can Do With Your Old Books-Donate Them
You can never go wrong here. There is always someone less fortunate out there who hasn’t had the fortune of getting their hands on a wonderful book and you could help set that right. You could go online with your charitable actions or maybe a visit to the local orphanage should find essays online. If you want to get creative you could always place a free books box someplace frequented by people, say a café or the park and people could just peruse and pick up whatever catches their fancy. Or the local library would also be a safe bet since you can rest assured that your books will be treated well. Yes, I just said that. A book buff always worries that their books might be rough handled and if you don’t want to have to worry about that the library would be the safest bet.

2. Sell Them

Things You Can Do With Your Old Books-Sell them
Selling might actually be a brilliant idea. Let me explain. You go find a potential buyer and give away your old books and in return you get money to buy more books! That’s a win-win right? Websites like eBay and Quikr brings home buyers and you are just a click away from meeting your potential buyer. And if you don’t trust the big bad net then there are the most conventional forms of selling that you could fall back on, like maybe a garage sale. That could even be fun. You could get together a couple of friends to help and you could have a blast, auctioning off your books.

3. Trade With Friends

Things You Can Do With Your Old Books-Trade With Friends
Trading your books will take you on a journey across a variety of books you never imagined even existed. You just have to ask your friend for a book and trade one of yours with theirs. This would be an amazing opportunity to explore different genres and take an interest in your friend’s taste of books. And you never know you could possibly come across a gem that could potentially transform your life (I’m speaking from experience here).

4. Start A Personal Library For Friends

Things You Can Do With Your Old Books-Start Your Personal Library
This is something I’ve currently been doing. Since a lot of my books have been gathering dust on my bookshelves, while at the same time not having the heart to part with them permanently, I have started lending them out to friends and family and though it takes its own time to return I, at least, know I will see it sometime or if not I know can always demand it back without any consternation. Well, I can tell you from experience that the books have been going off the shelves like hot cakes. A lot of my friends actually love to read but are too lazy to find a library and so I’m the best option for them. And if I may say so I have even made a couple of new friends in college, since many sought me out to lend them a book or two. So do try it!

5. Let Your Creative Juices Flow

Things You Can Do With Your Old Books-Let Your Creative Juices Flow
Are you someone who loves to potter around with old stuff and magically transform them into something that can be called art? Well, then what are you waiting for. Check out some Do-it-yourself ideas on the internet. Pinterest is a goldmine of creative ideas that you must visit. There you will find ideas ranging from wall hangings to cute gifts for friends. So go ahead and pick out some idea or even better come up with your own and just let all those creative juices bottled up in you flow!

When you are cleaning up your room or making space for something you are bound to come across some old books. Albeit the memories they hold and the fun you had reading them, you have to dispose of them. It’s for times like these that I hope you go through this list and hopefully hit on something that appeals to you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea Every Day

  1. Improves Brain Function

It improves brain function. This tip is for the students and office workers out there. Unlike coffee and regular tea, green tea contains much lower levels of caffeine. However, the level is still high enough to improve mental concentration and alertness. The fact that it is less of a stimulant means that there is no caffeine dependency in your body, and you do not have to deal with those annoying caffeine withdrawals.

2. Helps In Weight Reduction

It can aid weight loss. Drinking green tea side-by-side with being on a diet, or doing an exercise routine, can help you get rid of fat faster. This is because green tea boosts your metabolism, which can help burn fat off faster in problem areas like the waist, hips, and abdomen. At the same time, remember that it will only work in conjunction with a healthy, balanced diet and an exercise regimen!

3. Keeps Your Brain In Good Shape

Amazing Health Benefits Of Green Tea-Keeps Your Brain In Good Shape
It can keep your brain in good shape. We all know prevention is better than cure. Green tea has been proven to help in preventing degenerative brain conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It does this by repairing damaged brain cells, as well as aiding in the generation of new ones.

4. Protects You From Diabetes

It keeps diabetes at bay. Green tea has also been linked with delaying the onset of genetic diseases like Type II diabetes, by lowering blood sugar levels. It is especially effective in regulating blood sugar levels if consumed right after meals. What’s more, it also improves  real assignment writing as well as lowers your blood pressure, which are two conditions also linked with diabetes.

5. Provides Relief From Allergies

Green tea has been known to be an anti-allergenic, as it is potent in EGCG, a compound which can provide you some relief from those annoying allergies.

Green tea is beneficial in so many ways. From the skin to your blood pressure, it does not seem like there can be any better drink. So, now that you are aware of all the awesome benefits of green tea, will you make the switch?

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Top 4 Reasons Students Change Majors

Changing a major is so common among students. A majority of them change their major at least three times before they graduate. Students may choose a subject initially because it may seem exciting in the beginning. As days pass, they realize that reality is far different from what they had expected. Here are a couple of other reasons students lose interest in their current majors.

Lack Of Real-Time Experience

A lot of students switch because they don’t like their classes. It can be due to frustration with the academic environment where they have to complete a lot of homework, essays and group projects. Remember, the classroom is not the real representation of how things actually work in the real world. Until you get real world experience, it’s hard to analyze whether it’s for you or not. So whenever you choose your major, look for opportunities to get hands-on experience and have informational interviews with someone who graduated from your university.

Personal Feelings/ Distractions

Is there anything else that’s going on in your life that could cause dissatisfaction with your current state? You could possibly be losing interest in the subject because you are not in a good place in your life. Did you choose the subject because people you look up to have done the same?

Interest In Another Subject

Most students change majors when they find a course that they really love. Try a ‘what-if audit’ to compare academic progress without changing your major.

Lack Of Passion

Too much homework can also put students off a subject. If you aren’t motivated enough or are using essay writing service, contact us! We can help you complete them on time. All that you have to do is to ask, ‘can you take my online class?’
University is an incredible opportunity to find your interests and develop life skills. Make sure you make the best of this chance!