Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea Every Day

  1. Improves Brain Function

It improves brain function. This tip is for the students and office workers out there. Unlike coffee and regular tea, green tea contains much lower levels of caffeine. However, the level is still high enough to improve mental concentration and alertness. The fact that it is less of a stimulant means that there is no caffeine dependency in your body, and you do not have to deal with those annoying caffeine withdrawals.

2. Helps In Weight Reduction

It can aid weight loss. Drinking green tea side-by-side with being on a diet, or doing an exercise routine, can help you get rid of fat faster. This is because green tea boosts your metabolism, which can help burn fat off faster in problem areas like the waist, hips, and abdomen. At the same time, remember that it will only work in conjunction with a healthy, balanced diet and an exercise regimen!

3. Keeps Your Brain In Good Shape

Amazing Health Benefits Of Green Tea-Keeps Your Brain In Good Shape
It can keep your brain in good shape. We all know prevention is better than cure. Green tea has been proven to help in preventing degenerative brain conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It does this by repairing damaged brain cells, as well as aiding in the generation of new ones.

4. Protects You From Diabetes

It keeps diabetes at bay. Green tea has also been linked with delaying the onset of genetic diseases like Type II diabetes, by lowering blood sugar levels. It is especially effective in regulating blood sugar levels if consumed right after meals. What’s more, it also improves  real assignment writing as well as lowers your blood pressure, which are two conditions also linked with diabetes.

5. Provides Relief From Allergies

Green tea has been known to be an anti-allergenic, as it is potent in EGCG, a compound which can provide you some relief from those annoying allergies.

Green tea is beneficial in so many ways. From the skin to your blood pressure, it does not seem like there can be any better drink. So, now that you are aware of all the awesome benefits of green tea, will you make the switch?

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